Special Event

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Noir City 22


January 24 - February 2

Various showtimes. Festival Schedule

Doors open at 6:00 pm for evening shows; noon for matinées.



➤ Purchase advance tickets through Eventbrite with any of the ticket links in movie schedule on the Noir City website

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There will be a distinctly feminine slant to the proceedings at NOIR CITY 22 running January 24–February 2, 2025, at Oakland's Grand Lake Theatre. The lineup of classic films, featuring 24 movies over ten days and nights, shines a spotlight on women whose cinematic legacy is entwined with the rise of film noir.

Many of this year’s films star the six actresses profiled in Muller’s 2002 book Dark City Dames: The Wicked Women of Film Noir, which is being reissued in April 2025 in a newly revised and expanded edition. Jane Greer, Marie Windsor, Audrey Totter, Evelyn Keyes, Coleen Gray, and Ann Savage are the core cadre of women featured in this year’s program, which includes many of their signature films, including, respectively, Out of the Past (1947), The Narrow Margin (1952), Tension (1949), The Prowler (1951), The Killing (1956), and Detour (1945).

“The contributions of these actresses is a major reason noir has retained its allure through many subsequent generations, more than seventy-five years after they were made.”
—Eddie Muller

In addition to those acclaimed favorites, the program also highlights films starring nine other actresses notable for their performances in crime films of the era: Joan Bennett, Peggie Castle, Rhonda Fleming, Marsha Hunt, Ella Raines, Ruth Roman, Jan Sterling, Claire Trevor, and Helen Walker. (Not coincidentally, the expanded edition of Muller’s book includes new profiles of these women.)

“One thing I’ve learned after doing programs for twenty-five years,” Eddie Muller says, “is that you need to circle back and re-show the classics, the bedrock of the genre. Some of these films are well-known to the hardcore—but for younger fans, who may have been in grade school when I started doing festivals, this will be the first time they’ve seen many of these movies … and certainly the first time on a big screen with an enthusiastic audience.”

Muller notes that extra effort was made this year to secure as many 35mm prints as possible. “It’s harder than ever to show film prints, so it feels sort of valedictory.” Fourteen of the festival’s 24 offerings are film prints, he noted. “It's remarkable to realize that when I began these festivals, everything was on film. No digital versions existed. Now, this might be the first—and last—time younger viewers will see a 35mm film print.”

“I’m very enthused about this year’s program,” Muller concludes, “because I had friendships with many of the women we’re celebrating and I’ll have plenty of stories to share—as well as being able to see these women again in all their glamorous glory.”

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Theater Info

3200 Grand Avenue
Oakland, CA 94610

Directions & Parking

Admission Prices

Regular Features

Gen Adm $13
Child/Senior $9.50
Matinee $7.50
Discount Tuesday $6

About Ratings
Superscript text indicates theater number

3D Features

Gen Adm $14.50
Ch/Senr $11
Matinee $7.50
Discount Tuesday $6

About 3-D

The Grand Lake has a new discount policy: Tuesday is now “$6.00 Day”. All admissions are $6.00* each all day long. This includes 3-D features! (*Excluding Special Engagements) Our new discount policy now extends to matinee shows! All tickets for showtimes starting prior to 6pm are only $7.50, 3-D included! Every day!

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Mighty Wurlitzer Organ played before Friday and Saturday evening shows indicated in green in the Main Auditorium.
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